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Ashley Down Primary School

Ethos and Values

At Ashley Down Primary School, our ethos is summarised by our vision statement:

High aspirations in a nurturing environment.

Message from the Senior Leadership Team
We are privileged to be part of the wonderful community that is Ashley Down Primary School. Our school is a welcoming and happy place where we learn, play and grow together as a team. We foster a nurturing and supportive environment that allows everyone in our community to be themselves and be proud of all they achieve. We have high aspirations for every child in our school and support them to be the best they can be. This is a focus of our academic curriculum and our bespoke and unique 'life learning' curriculum which supports children to develop and grown as citizens in a community. 

Our school values are :






We have three simple rules:

Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe.

 To find out more about this, please read our Behaviour and Regulation policy.

 British Values

We give pupils opportunities to learn about British Values through our school values and their connection to our Life Learning Curriculum.  This is called We Are A.D
This brings together many elements of school life; British Values, School Values, Bristol Belonging strategy, our PSHE curriculum and our Behaviour moto ‘Ready, Respectful and safe’.
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
We Are A.D Belonging  Democracy Individual Liberty Mutual respect and tolerance Rule of law Future me
Life Learning
Ready, Respectful and Safe Respect Compassion Joy Commitment Ready, Respectful and Safe
Life Learning Curriculum Zones of Regulation Anti-bullying Digital citizenship Neurodiversity First Aid Financial education
PSHE curriculum Being me in my world Celebrating differences Dreams and goals Healthy me Relationships Changing me