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Ashley Down Primary School

Physical Education

PE at Ashley Down Primary School Aims (intent) 

Our high-quality physical education curriculum inspires pupils at Ashley Down Primary School to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities will build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils will develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. This is embedded into the Ashley Down curriculum and intends for children to be physically active for sustained periods of time; engage in competitive sports and activities; lead healthy, active lives in and outside of school.

What it looks like here (implementation) 

At Ashley Down children begin to experience PE in Phase 1 through physical literacy and PE lessons. Lesson plans are taken from the Real PE platform. These lessons help to form the foundations of PE at Ashley Down where children start to understand their own body and how it interacts with the world around them.

• As children progress into Phase 2 and 3 their solid foundations are built upon through two lessons of PE each week. One lesson focuses on continuing fundamental skill work and the other lesson where the children can apply these skills within games. As they move up through the school competition is increased. The concept of competing with yourself and personal best is emphasised.

• Children are encouraged to try their best and understand the value of winning and losing whilst demonstrating our school values at all times to each other and other schools during extra-curricular competitions.

• A wide range of afterschool provision and competitions will be available to children across all year groups. • Throughout their Ashley Down life, pupils will be exposed to high quality sports coaching through our close links with Bristol Rovers, Gloucestershire Cricket Board and Bristol Sport.

adp pe overview.pdf

For further information regarding our school's curriculum please check the year group pages or alternatively please contact the school office.